The Elder Scrolls V: Secrets of the Wall

For their most recent Skyrim coverage, GameInformer reveals how some of the carved intricacies seen on Alduin’s Wall (the wall shown during the teaser trailer) actually reveal secrets about the storyline in The Elder Scrolls V. Their brief summary:

The zoomed-in glimpses you see within the trailer are more than they may first appear to be. The carved images are part of Alduin’s Wall, named after the powerful dragon that serves as Skyrim’s central antagonist. Alduin’s Wall is an actual structure within the game world of Skyrim, and it plays a key part in the story of the game. It depicts a prophecy heralding the return Alduin to the world of the Elder Scrolls, as well as the history of the dragons and their interaction with humanity. Each section of the wall tells a different part of the story, and we’ll explain every area in detail. Each of the previous games in the Elder Scrolls series play a part in the prophecy.

This image shows us the hotspots up close.

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