The Elder Scrolls Online Updates Detailed

ZeniMax Online has highlighted the most recent updates they’ve made to The Elder Scrolls Online across all platforms since the release of its Orsinium DLC, including several fixes within the pack itself, combat and gameplay tweaks, new character customization options, Battle Leveling changes, and much more. Here’s a sampling:

This update also brings a new base-game patch to The Elder Scrolls Online that includes updates available to every adventurer regardless of whether you’ve purchased the Orsinium DLC game pack. In other words, you won’t need access to Wrothgar to take advantage of the increased flexibility and customization options now available to all players!

For starters, now you can further customize your characters with a new motif and the addition of Shield Dyeing. In addition to coloring your shield in the same way you can your regular armor, you’ll also be able to craft weapons and armors in the style of the ancient Akavir. And players who complete Undaunted Pledges will unlock the fearsome-looking Mercenary crafting motif. We are Undaunted!

The Champion system has also been updated, with the biggest change being the reduction in XP required to earn Champion Points for those with smaller amounts. This was done in order to allow players with smaller amount of Champion Points catch up, to create a fairer gameplay experience. Additionally, the total number of Champion Points that can be used has now been capped. If your character already has the maximum amount of points, don’t be alarmed; you’ll be able to spend excess points the next time the cap is raised.

The changes to Battle Leveling are equally dramatic. Previously, all characters were battle leveled to the same attributes and stats; now, the system will consider how you have allocated your attribute points, making each soldier in the Imperial Province totally unique. Weapons and armors will also have a greater impact on how effective your character is in the Alliance War. So bring your best gear and compete with everybody, regardless of level or rank!

The Grouping Tool has also undergone a major overhaul. Changes include improvements to queuing speed and reliability. Most notably, this update introduces cross-alliance dungeon grouping. This means that your Ebonheart Pact character might find that they are teaming up with a member from the Daggerfall Alliance or even the Aldmeri Dominion! While you may all be sworn enemies as you battle for the throne in the Alliance War, you’ll now put aside your differences and team up for the good of all of Tamriel when queuing for dungeons. Don’t worry you can still settle the score in Cyrodiil later!

Finally, the Orsinium base-game patch brings long-awaited controller support for PC players. You are now able to use any controller that supports XInput, including the Xbox One controller. This update also features changes to the API to help developers create gamepad-specific add-ons.

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