The Elder Scrolls Online – Icereach Dungeon Overview

The Harrowstorm DLC will be kicking off The Elder Scrolls Online’s year-long Dark Heart of Skyrim season with a couple of fresh dungeons on February 24, 2020. One of those dungeons is Icereach – an island where a dangerous coven of witches is attempting to perform some terrible ritual. To prepare us for what we’ll find on the island, this article on the game’s website introduces us to Icereach, its challenges and rewards, and this one talks about Mother Ciannait who leads the Icereach Coven.

Here are some additional details:

Stop a coven of witches from enacting a terrible ritual in Icereach, one of the two new dungeons arriving with the Harrowstorm DLC game pack. Learn about this new PvE challenge that kicks off the Dark Heart of Skyrim year-long adventure!

The Harrowstorm DLC game pack is coming February 24 for PC/Mac and March 10 for Xbox One and PlayStation®4. This new DLC includes access to both Icereach and Unhallowed Grave, two challenging new dungeons that kick of the Dark Heart of Skyrim year-long adventure!


North of Skyrim and across the perilous Sea of Ghosts lies the frigid island of Icereach, home to the reclusive witches of the Icereach Coven. Reportedly originating from this barren rock, a terrible storm is lashing Skyrim’s northern coast, sinking longships and threatening the lives and livelihoods of the local Nords.

“Players come to Icereach for two reasons,” explains Mike Finnigan, ESO’s Dungeon Lead. “To investigate the mysterious storms plaguing the Sea of Ghosts and to find a lost expedition.”

When you arrive on the mysterious isle, you discover that the coven’s frenzied defenders overwhelmed the members of the lost party. However, there are survivors, and amongst their number is a powerful ally: the indomitable Lyris Titanborn! Returning from ESO’s main questline, you must work with the beloved companion to explore the cursed island of Icereach, discover the cause of the storm, and put a stop to it before it can do any more damage.


While Icereach is home to a dangerous coven of powerful witches, they aren’t the only threats you’ll have to contend with. Standing in your way is an army of savage cultists, beasts of frost and fang, and more.

“The witches of the Icereach Coven do not shy away from magic in any form,” explains Finnigan. “You will fight creatures born of snow and storm, fire, electricity, and even elements of the undead.”

No magic is taboo to the witches of Icereach, and as you make your way into their frozen keep, you must be wary, lest you become overwhelmed by mindless, plague-ridden zombies or crushed by monstrous giants.

Even more dangerous are the island’s boss encounters, where you must face the Icereach Coven’s sisters. Each one brings a unique ally to help defend their home and features unique mechanics that you must learn and overcome.

“There are different interactions with each sister and her ally,” explains Finnigan. “Some of those interactions are complementary, while some, such as Sister Hiti and Skelga, are actually in competition. Using the powers of Hiti and Skelga against each other is key to defeating the encounter.”

It is only in the dungeon’s final battle that you must finally face all of Icereach’s sisters together, including their powerful leader, Mother Ciannait herself.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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