The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Wins Two E3 Awards

Both IGN PC and GameSpot have announced the winners of their “Best of E3” awards, with Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion receiving the “Best RPG” award from both. A snip from IGN’s article:

Sure it looks quite pretty, but what really grabs us about Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the amazing artificial intelligence, which makes heavy use of dynamic conversation and behavior. And we’re talking about two peasants having a conversation on a street corner, not just the enemies you’ll be fighting. Watch as a woman feeds her dog, which boosts its attributes and makes it start barking constantly, which bothers her because she’s lying down in bed and trying to read, so she throws a fireball at it and destroys it. Watch as another person picks up a bow and arrow and learns how to use it, chatting with you the whole while as their ability gradually increases. All completely unscripted. When you come back to that town hours later, that same person will still be there–perhaps still training, or down at the pub, or eating some succulent barbecued dog.

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