The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Review

The folks at YouGamers have conjured up a five-page review of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, giving the PC version of Bethesda’s RPG an overall score of 91/100.

A successful open-ended first person RPG has to be the harmonious sum of a gigantic living-breathing environment filled with interesting locations and NPCs, a truly epic story, pleasing game mechanics, varied quests / side quests, and at last but not least, great visuals. Oblivion excels in all of these areas – in fact, I would say that it is the best role-playing game I have played in many years, and it is difficult not to be in love with such a game. Despite it’s minor shortcomings Oblivion delivers on so many levels that it truly raised the bar for all titles. Overall you get an engaging, addictive experience, that can last hundreds of hours depending on how much of Cyrodiil you wish to explore. If you have the hardware to run this game well enough, then this is an absolute must-have.

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