The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3 Reviews

A few more enthusiastic reviews for the PlayStation 3 version of Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion are now available. The first is at Gameplanet with an overall score of 4.5/5:

If you are a RPG fan and want to get what has to be the best solo fantasy game currently on the market you will not find any better than this. Just plan to loose a few months of your life as it is the type of game that will have you playing it every chance you can get.

The second is at Fragland with an overall score of 91%:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is truly an RPG masterpiece and the PlayStation 3 version doesn’t change that. Gamers who haven’t tried Oblivion thusfar can safely pick the game up, knowing they’ll experience one of the best games of the last couple of years. Compared to the X360 game, this version currently lacks downloadable bonus content (which will probably be resolved when the Shivering Isles expansion gets released), but has improved graphics, a better framerate and shorter loading times. Still, if you have the PC to run it, you might want to opt for that game, since it supports the hundreds of free high-quality mods.

And the third is at The Armchair Empire with an overall score of 9.0/10:

While it’s not perfect, this game is pretty close and I dare you to find better value for your money. Even if RPG’s have traditionally not been your thing, give this game a try. You might just find yourself immersed in an incredible world that unfolds before you.

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