The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

GameZone has published a short interview with Bethesda Softworks’ Gavin Carter about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It sounds like the questions were asked before the game’s release, though. A snip:

Q: Ok, you can tell us, when building the game for the 360 and PC, how close are the graphics? Was there something you could do on one system that you could not on the other?

A: The graphics between a high-end PC and a 360 are very close. The only real difference between the two versions is that the 360 is capable of doing HDR lighting and anti-aliasing simultaneously, while PC users can only have one or the other. The PC also is capable of superior resolution if your hardware can support it, and it has more options to toggle visual effects on and off to account for your performance preferences.

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