The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Gameplay Tweaks

With so many people finally getting their hands on Oblivion, we thought it might be useful to link to a couple of handy tweaks for both the Xbox 360 and PC versions.

First, for those of you playing the game on a PC with a GeForce video card, you’ll be happy to learn that NVIDIA has released some new beta drivers that improve the game’s framerate. Secondly, if you’re playing the game on the Xbox 360 and are experiencing any data cache fragmentation issues, you might want to take a look at this thread on the official Elder Scrolls forums.

Personally, I’ve logged about 12 hours into the game so far, and I can honestly say that it has easily lived up to my expectations so far. If you haven’t bought the game yet, I highly recommend doing so. Judging by the sheer amount of content that has already been available to me, you’ll most likely get more entertainment value out of Oblivion than several other games put together.

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