The Dark Triad: Dragon’s Death Becomes Dark Triad: Conspiracy, Vision Document

Another development update has gone live for Autoloot’s turn-based isometric RPG, renamed to Dark Triad: Conspiracy for the occasion, and it includes the vision document for the title. Here’s a snippet from the update:

Yes, we also changed the name.

Most of you didn’t like “Dragon’s Death”, besides, with the new take on the game, no dragons are to be seen… so it seems! Of all the names we added to the poll vote, you decided “Dark Triad: Conspiracy” would be the most suitable, and we also like it very much, so let’s roll with it!

This is the first draft of the Vision Doc and there’s sure some room for improvement. Our aim is to polish it thanks to your feedback so we can release a new revision for everybody along our next KS relaunch. We’d deeply appreciate if you help us to make the game better within our resources and budget, so each opinion counts and we’ll take all your comments into account.

And one from the vision document:

Dark Triad: Conspiracy has certain basic principles, in order to make the game an immersive and gratifying experience for the player.

1. Freedom of choice and action. The in-game world allows the player to play the game however they choose; they can focus on combat, on non-combat abilities or on a mixture of the two. It is possible to solve the same situation in a number of different ways. Also, the player can pick a faction, try to join a secret society with a separate agenda or remain totally neutral, as with a mercenary or witch-hunter or even do all of these at the same time, provided they understand the consequences of their actions.

2. Actual Consequences and comprehensive reputations. The player’s actions will have a real impact on the game and will determine how they are judged by the inhabitants of the kingdom according to their faction. Consequences will have a certain degree of logical coherence. For example, say the player assassinates a member of the separatist aristocracy in broad daylight in the middle of the street; if afterwards, the player immediately visits another district, there is a fair chance the news will not have reached the inhabitants of that zone. If they were to return the following day, however, they could well be pursued by the imperial militia and see posters offering a reward for their head. Everything has repercussions.

3. An immersive story. The story drives the game. The plot is highly complex with various twists and turns. On top of this, the player’s decisions affect what happens. The player, team members and principal NPCs of the story will all be supplemented by backgrounds and a complete dialogue and reputation system, embellished by the non-combat abilities if the player wishes to invest points in them. All of this is adapted to the development of the narrative and the decisions of the player.

4. Strategic turn-based combat. The game will offer a hugely deep and strategic combat system. Every battle will have its purpose in relation to the events of the game. The player will be able to choose between 8 different classes, and will be able to use up to 3 classes at once (multiclass). There will also be a large range of attributes, abilities, specializations and features for each class that you can use to mold your character and team members to your individual style of gaming.

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