The Dark Triad: Dragon’s Death Barton and Leindal Companion Profiles

The folks at Autoloot Games have penned an update for their soon-to-be-Kickstarter indie RPG The Dark Triad: Dragon’s Death, including the background of two of the companion characters we might encounter in the final game, Barton the Halfling and Leindal the Elf. Here’s a snippet on the first, given that I’m partial to halflings:


This small, slippery halfling has become part of the Saviors group by the highest merits Рmerits according to the Half-Ssized cultural and military standards of course- Being such land the most peaceful of the Gl̩ah Lands, the mentioned standards are things as peculiar as being able to swallow as many mapplepies per hour as possible, running with one single foot during four miles without halting to rest and also disappearing from the audience without using magic, even any halfling would love to learn some magic tricks.

No matter if this race abhors killing animals to feed their bodies, they are not so forgiving when it’s about perpetrating such ominous deed against orks sneaking near the shores of their Islands -even they would not dare to eat such evil flesh!-. Barton has outperformed the vast majority of requirements to be considered amongst the citizens as the Ork Scourge.

Few is known about Barton’s past. Only his father’s death by an Ork axe explains his uncontrollable hatred towards the halflings natural enemies.

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