The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes “What to Do at the Black Boar” Trailer

While playing Random Potion and Wild River Games’ upcoming CRPG The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes, you’ll be visiting the Black Boar tavern to unwind between quests, hire henchmen, craft new gear, and store your excess loot. The latest trailer for the game shows a glimpse of this place, in the process highlighting many of Book of Heroes’ features. Check it out:

Clashing swords, sparkling magic, enchanted places and gruelling adventures are truly not for the faint of heart – no wonder you need a place to relax and hang back.

Welcome to the Black Boar. The most famous inn in all of Aventuria.

This is the place you hire your henchmen, forge new weapons and armor, brew potions, store your valuables and most importantly find new quests to embark upon.

Have a look inside the Black Boar in this new gameplay trailer.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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