The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes – Release Date Announced

Random Potion and Wild River Games will be launching their upcoming action-RPG The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes on June 9, 2020. Priced at €29.99 or your regional equivalent, the game will offer you and your friends a chance to engage in some co-op roleplaying based on The Dark Eye pen and paper RPG. Check out the official launch teaser trailer:

Some additional details:

We are very happy to announce a June 9, 2020 release date for our PC action-RPG The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes.

The game will be available on Steam for 29.99 EUR.

Book of Heroes is based on the massively popular tabletop RPG The Dark Eye, which is one of the most beloved pen-and-paper RPGs in Germany – right up there with Dungeons and Dragons!

The game has you rolling up a character, creating their backstory, and heading off in search of action and adventure in the mystical lands of Aventuria. Will you find fame and fortune, or foolhardy folly?

The choice is yours!

On top of that, there’s also this Steam announcement that talks about some of the professions we’ll have at our disposal in Book of Heroes. Here are the text parts:

When playing The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes you have a choice of 12 different professions – here is your chance to get to know a bit more about playing Assassin, Black mage, Blessed One of Boron, Blessed Ones of Phex or Blessed Ones of Rondra.


Assassins are agents specially trained to kill. They are more interested in dispatching unwanted persons than in collecting information, and use weapons, poison, and intrigue to achieve their objectives.

Nevertheless, investigation is a large part of their work, because they need to gather as much information as possible about their intended victims.

Black mage

The association called the Brotherhood of the Knowing has a reputation as ruthless black magicians. One of the centers of the guild is the Al’Achami of Fasar, a school of mindmages that is mentioned in old Tulamydian writings and shrouded in many mysteries.

It is said that graduates must enter into a contract–written in their own blood–with the leader of the academy, and that many blasphemous experiments take place in its dark cellars.

Some of these rumors are no doubt exaggerated, but the mages of Fasar consider themselves the magical elite on the continent and often come across as arrogant. They believe that mages are superior to all others and should use their powers to pursue their goals ruthlessly. Fasar mages refer to themselves as controllers.

This does not mean that every mage from Fasar is a villain, for they also value good friends and may act in a way that is pleasing to the gods. It is true they might choose methods others would deem unacceptable, but do not assume that all are corrupt just because they train at a school of black magic

Blessed One of Boron

At first glance, only a few aspects of Boron, the god of death, sleep, and oblivion, seem to be of interest to humans. But in Al’Anfa and other cities of southern Aventuria, Boron is the most important god. His Blessed Ones are well-respected and held in high esteem.

The Boroni are skilled exorcists and make invaluable allies against the undead. They also give comfort to the dying and bereaved and help ease their pain. Additionally, they grant people oblivion (a good night’s sleep, free from troubling memories, or even a peaceful and painless death) in the name of Boron, which often proves to be a valuable gift.

The two regional factions of Boron’s church, one based in Al’Anfa and one in Punin, are sworn enemies and view each other as heretical.

There are two main sects among the Blessed of Boron— the Servants of Golgari, who focus on burying the dead and tending graves, and the Servants of Bishdariel, who study the interpretation of dreams.

Blessed Ones of Phex

When people think of servants of the god of thieves, they imagine cutpurses or burglars. And even though some Blessed Ones of Phex also happen to be thieves who meet in hidden temples, most commit to the god’s aspect of trade, ensuring that contracts are observed and overseeing the exchange of goods between long-distance traders and guilds.

Merchants supervise the public temples of Phex and provide assistance to travelers and businesspeople. Cutpurses, probably the most well-known, are typical rogues who always seek opportunities to enrich both themselves and Phex. Burglars also seek enrichment opportunities, mainly in the form of breaking and entering, followed by looting.

Blessed Ones of Rondra

Whenever dark powers face humans followers of the Twelvegods in battle, you will always find the Blessed Ones of Rondra at the front line. They deem it their most important task to protect believers and thus constantly train in the arts of war and weaponry.

Rondra’s Church has three main sects:

Honors believe that honor is a gift, and that people either receive this gift at birth or they don’t. They disapprove of using magic, withdrawing from combat, and other acts which, in their view, stain their honor.

Traditionalists are not quite as orthodox as Honors, but they strongly adhere to Church customs and only rarely deviate from them. They are the largest sect in the Church of Rondra.

Salutists, in contrast to the other two sects, believe that there can be honor in a mage, a tailor, or a baker. Whosoever lives by Rondra’s commandments can prove their courage and gain honor, no matter their origins or social standing.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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