The Behind The Beyond : You know Everything Yet You know Nothing!

The advancement of humankind has always involved questioning what is around us and trying to understand it. But what if all the knowledge that we have ever discovered has already been discovered? The Behind The Beyond is raising that question on everything we know. The Behind The Beyond is an Indie title by Bhomriska Studios. Players follow an agent who is victim to their own hallucinations. The game revolves jumping back and forth between reality and dreams to tell a story. Three essential characters are playable in judging from the trailers released. All three personalities will somehow connect with one another to reveal the bigger story.

Why is this Game Appealing?

A primary element is stealth, and the player can finish each level in a way that is unique to them. The Indie title wants those controlling the game to rely on their smarts and reasoning to complete each level. Another element is the third person shooter aspect, but it is still a mystery whether this will play a massive part. The game itself is still in development, but as of 2018, the game is in full gear towards completion.

Bhomriska Studios is an indie game developing company based in India. If the game turns out to have great success, this will further showcase that developers outside of Asia and Europe can develop unique and playable titles.

What Kind of Philosophical Ideas Does This Raise?

The game gives rise to two philosophical ideas. The first is whether every advancement in technology is our own. And second, whether a higher power involved different from our own is what allows us to know what we know. Let’s hope the game will answer supports any of these ideas or if even the game will indeed touch on these ideas.

The Behind The Beyond is set to be released this year for Windows, Xbox, PS4, and Steam. A Steam Beta will be released very soon on an undetermined date. Come back for more info, as soon as it’s released.

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Mario Bertrand
Mario Bertrand

Mario’s an individual who appreciates the craft of video games as a form of art. This art has become the catalyst of obtaining his dreams in music and video games. Being a nerd till the end of time, he will always expand his horizons by diving headfirst into new types of music, film, TV, anime, manga, and even comics. As long as its entertaining he’ll take it, with a grain of salt of course.

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