The Bard’s Tale Reviews

Tonight we bring you news of three more fairly positive reviews for inXile’s RPG recreation, The Bard’s Tale. The first is over at Game Vortex with an overall score of 88%:

Sluggish controls aside, The Bard’s Tale is an enjoyable game. The script is enjoyable and the Bard is easily one of the better RPG heroes to come along in awhile. Hopefully, this isn’t the last we’ll see of the Bard.

The second is at GameZone with an overall score of 8.3/10:

What separates The Bard’s Tale from other RPGs is how truly twisted the character interactions and storyline are. I consider this to be one of the smartest and funniest videogames currently out there which says a lot. Who says British humor can’t be funny? Though I was hoping for more gameplay wise, anyone who enjoys playing RPGs will find good use for The Bard’s Tale.

And the third is at The Gamers Temple with an overall score of 79%:

If you’re an RPG fan and are looking for a little good natured ribbing of your genre of choice, you’ll probably be happy to look past the game’s issues simply for the entertainment factor. There’s enough to like about The Bard’s Tale that it warrants a look despite its problems. If you’re simply looking for hack and slash action though, you may want to rent the game first to see if you can put up with the fight controls.

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