The Bard’s Tale Preview

Jolt Online Gaming has put together a preview of Inxile’s The Bard’s Tale, the console RPG inspired by the classic Bard’s Tale games. An excerpt to follow:

The Bard is all about personality. He’s not really out for big adventures, but they seem to happen anyway. The only question is what’s in it for him? There are really only two ways that you can role-play the Bard: politely cynical and sarcastically cynical. Depending on your method, the game will take different twists and turns, and cannot be fully explored by going one way or the other. Since the game is non-linear, you can expect to be able to explore areas in your preferred order, even ones that you are not powerful enough for.

Whichever your style and whatever your path, the Bard has a Rincewind-esque ability to be at the centre of mishaps, and indeed this is a particular source of comedy. In fact the entire game was conceptualised, designed and scripted by professional writers before any actual work began on the actual game code. As game stories go, this one promises some high-calibre entertainment.

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