The Bard’s Tale PC Preview

The guys at GameSpot had the chance to check out the upcoming PC version of The Bard’s Tale and have kicked up a preview based on their impressions. Here’s a bit to get you started:

Of course, the other big change for The Bard’s Tale is significantly increased visual quality on the PC. All the textures are noticeably higher resolution than in the console versions, and the artists have given the character models an extra pass to enhance their details a little. Some other little graphical features have snuck into the game as well. For instance, very tall objects, like trees (which nearly touch the perspective of the camera), will now turn transparent when you walk under them, making it easier to see what the bard is doing at all times. We saw the PC game running at 1600×1200 resolution at a perfectly smooth frame rate, and it certainly looked superior to its console counterparts.

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