The Bard’s Tale Interview

FileFront has published an interview with inXile’s Sean Patton, in which the lead scriptor answers several general questions about The Bard’s Tale. Here’s a taste:

Q: How does the game stay true to its 1985 Commodore 64 and Apple II predecessor?

A: It shares nothing directly beyond the name, the general setting and the occupation of the main character. Oh yeah, and the producer of the original game Brian Fargo. I see it as a relative of the franchise. You just can’t make the same game that Bard’s Tale was. We all loved that game. But the game industry has evolved. So we took the same core inspirations for the original, a very solid and appealing technology, and a unique and humorous look at the world of fantasy role playing and created a game. It’s more of a grandchild than a sequel.

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