The Bard’s Tale E3 Preview

Just RPG has dished up a preview of The Bard’s Tale, based upon what they saw of InXile’s action RPG at this year’s E3. An excerpt to follow:

Each line of dialogue in the game will be voiced and what I heard at E3 was very impressive and funny. Actor Cary Elwes will provide the voice of the Bard in the game. I was also impressed by the graphics for the environments, characters and enemies which appeared to have been created with an attention to detail. There is one area where you can see light being reflected on the floor from different colored bottles on a shelf in the room. This detail as well as others had me admiring the work that has gone into all of the different types of environments. We were also shown situations where your actions will determine how the game proceeds. When you talk with characters you can respond to them by clicking on one of two faces, one that represents a good attitude or one that represents a bad attitude. If you are good with characters they may give you certain quests while being bad or rude to certain characters may cause them to never speak with you again or offer certain quests.

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