The Banner Saga v2.1.65 Patch Released

The first patch for Stoic’s The Banner Saga brings a host of minor improvements, balance tweaks and bug fixes to the viking RPG, though people that don’t want to see spoilers should probably abstain from reading the full changelog:

‘¢ Added options for subtitles. Click the button with the Close Captioning ‘CC’ logo on the Options page.
‘¢ Added missing Kickstarter backer names to credits
‘¢ Backer Crests that missed the initial deadline have been incorporated into the game.
‘¢ Challenge Achievement can now be gained, despite Iver losing a battle to Bellower
‘¢ Fix issue where ranked up units are unable to use their rank 2 & 3 abilites after loading from a save game
‘¢ Fix issue where bad save game files prevented the start menu from displaying.
‘¢ Numpad keys are now supported for Conversation option (1,2,3,…) and continue (SPACE, ENTER) hotkeys.
‘¢ Numpad keys are now supported for combat hotkeys (1,2,3,4)
‘¢ Fixed achievement names of Eagle Eye and Siege Archer
‘¢ Dredge Slag Slinger Backoff can now trigger at most once per turn. This addresses problems when Rook’s Mark Prey ability is used on a Dredge Slag Slinger when multiple allies can hit it.
‘¢ Slingers that get hit while running away will now resume running away after their damage reaction animation completes
‘¢ Silver Arrow in Bellower fight now longer requires Willpower to use
‘¢ Travel HUD no longer permanently disappears after Einartoft due to certain choices
‘¢ More supplies and renown increased throughout Chapter 6
‘¢ Nid no longer gains the incorrect number of points to spend on rank up
‘¢ Ekkill no longer appears incorrectly in certain events if he is left behind
‘¢ Iver is no longer required in the party after Einartoft when making certain choices.
‘¢ Fixed an error where Fasolt would stay with the party after Einartoft in certain branches.

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