The Art of Jade Empire: Tiger Shen

TeamXbox has launched a feature called “The Art of Jade Empire”, in which BioWare art director Matt Goldman provides us with an inside look at some of the game’s characters. In the first installment, we’re give a two-page profile of Tiger Shen that includes several pieces of artwork. Check it out:

Tiger Shen was designed to look big, tough and more than able to handle himself in combat, whether it be barehanded or with heavy weapons. Tiger Shen is not as agile as the other pregenerated characters, but as the ultimate brawler, he deals out huge damage. The player who wants to play through Jade Empire with a strong focus on physical combat and strong, overpowering strikes will most likely want to choose Tiger Shen. It’s important to note, however, that you have the option of customizing these characters’ abilities, fighting styles, and name however you’d like you’re not limited to the default attributes.

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