The Age of Decadence June Update

One of the few elements that weren’t available in The Age of Decadence’s public beta/demo was the indie title’s alchemy system, which has become the subject of the latest update for Iron Tower’s quasi-Roman post-apocalyptic turn-based RPG. Here’s the update:

The topic of June’s update is the alchemy system. Much like every other feature, it’s gone through several revisions. It’s been decided that the mighty hero of the game will need 7 wondrous items to aid him (or perhaps even her) in his/her quest – a healing salve, berserk potion, neurostimulant, poison flask, acid flask, liquid fire flask, and black powder bomb.

You will need to learn or be taught a proper technique, and you will need a reagent. Combine both and get a shiny new item for free! As with crafting, the quality of the item is tied to your skill level.

But wait, there is more. You can add another reagent! It will modify the original formula and in some case change it outright. For example, you can add a ‘˜shrapnel’ effect to the bomb (+3 vsDR), which is nice. You can also modify the healing salve formula and add regeneration at the expense of health the “lich effect”: you have less HP but your body attempts to heal wounds the moment you get them. Naturally, it’s a very rare reagent, but it’s fun to play with.

With the exception of healing salve, all alchemical concoctions can be used in combat. Berserk gives you a bonus to damage and a penalty to accuracy, which makes fast attacks a lot more useful. Neurostimulant gives you more action points (up to 6, if you hit lvl 100). Poison can be used to coat your weapons (keep in mind that Constitution determines not only hit points, but resistance to harmful elements, including poison). Acid can be thrown to damage armor armor’s damage resistance stat will go down each turn until the armor’s gone for good. Liquid fire and black powder bombs can be thrown at people you don’t like. It won’t make them like you more though.

Some reagents are fairly common and can be bought in stores or harvested. Some reagents can only be found in places long forgotten. Some reagents are extremely rare and you may never find them (if you don’t have the right stats and skills).

It might also be worth it to check the topic to see the new screnshots they’ve added for the alchemy system and Vince’s replies to the questions about it.

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