The 10 Most Legendary Swords in Gaming

Ready for another list? Then check out GamePro’s ten most “legendary” swords presented in a video game – ever! Warcraft’s Ashbringer and Frostmourne are both represented but, sadly, BG2’s Carsomyr is not.

Frostmourne is the sword of Arthas Menethil, once crown prince of Lordaeron, devout paladin and heir to the kingdom, now powerful tyrant over the icy continent of Northrend and commander of the armies of the Scourge.

Ner’zhul, the Lich King, had called out to Arthas from his imprisonment inside the Frozen Throne. He beckoned Arthas to him, pulled on his pride and his lust for vengeance, and used Frostmourne as the conduit to finally break Arthas to his will. Now the two exist as one soul, the Lich King, and Frostmournes power grows with each passing day.

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