Temple of Elemental Evil Preview

IGN PC has written up a preview of Troika’s Temple of Elemental Evil, based upon an early press build of the game. A snippet to follow:

Your party will consist of the normal range of class types with dual classes available. You’ll be able to include your personal favorite five characters of different races and classes to fill out the group. Along the way, you’ll also be able to pick out three extra followers. While you’ll be able to order them around in combat, using all of their abilities, that doesn’t mean that they’re going to agree with what you’re doing. So if you told a follower paladin to kill a child, he might just refuse entirely, or do you bidding and then decide to leave the party after the encounter is finished. They all have their own motivation for doing what they’re doing and once you cross over into something they don’t care about, they’ll be gone.

To make things more interesting, if you decide to equip any of these characters with extra stuff, it is no longer yours. These follower characters will sell off whatever they don’t want and will not give you items back so think twice before you pump up your group by giving some nifty armor or weapons to one of those guys. Once they leave the party, that stuff goes with them.

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