Temple of Elemental Evil Patch Fixes

Troika’s Steve Moret dropped by Atari’s official forums to post a full list of all the fixes the patch will have when it’s ready. A full rip to follow:

Here is the list we sent to Atari as issues we believe we’ve addressed (I believe this will all be included as part of a Readme in the patch when it gets released):

Patch Fixes:


* Mona orb quest fixed so that she will always recognize and accept the orb’s return to complete her quest.
* Romag now recognizes when you return to him if while doing his quest Rentsch is killed.
* Pishella’s dialog updated so that she consistently says the PC’s have four days to destroy Zuggtmoy after the skull is destroyed.
* Can no longer tell Hedrack that Scorpp has been killed to get to the end game if Scorpp is NOT dead.
* Can no longer offer Skole’s violet garnet to Lodriss if Skole’s quest is just mentioned and you do not have the garnet.
* Antonio will allow you to place dice with him again if you are doing quests for Alrrem and exit the dialog the first time you play without winning.
* Belsornig now marks the Oohlgrist quest as botched if you kill the troll or have already convinced him to join Alrrem
* Poison vial from Belsornig must be left in Alrrem to complete the quest (you can no longer just insert it and then remove it)
* Rannos Davl will now continue the Chaotic Evil vignette conversation with the player after the moathouse has been cleared.


* produce flame can no longer be cast multiple times in the first round it is cast.
* touch attack spells no longer allow infinite actions in the first round they are cast.
* magic weapon, greater magic weapon, magic vestment, and keen edge are no longer permanent.
* animate dead now makes the target corpse drop all of its inventory before creating the specified undead creature.
* protection from evil/etc now correctly only applies invulnerability against summoned/conjured creatures of the appropriate alignment (note: elementals are not subject to this effect unless they are themselves summoned/conjured).
* magic circle against evil/etc now correctly only applies invulnerability against summoned/conjured creatures of the appropriate alignment (note: elementals are not subject to this effect unless they are themselves summoned/conjured).
* Haste now correctly gives a bonus attack with the primary weapon at the highest base attack bonus for a full attack.
* the same character can no longer be targeted more than once for Haste (which originally allowed the Haste bonuses to stack multiple times).
* the same character can no longer be targeted more than once for Slow (which originally allowed the Slow penalties to stack multiple times).
* break free is now possible with the entangle spell.
* dismiss spell now works properly with the entangle spell.
* spike stones (damaged state) now correctly responds to the Heal skill or a cure spell.
* spike stones/spike growth now damage a character after movement, rather than before (which would keep a character from moving at all in the spell’s radius).
* “spell cast” signal is now properly relayed to all spell targets.
* “break free” now properly relays the correct spell ID.
* “dismiss spells” now properly relays signal to all spell targets.
* touch spells that are held as charges now properly remove themselves when the character casts another spell.
* entangle no longer spawns multiple area effect particle systems.
* softer earth and stone is no longer permanent.
* spike stones/spike growth play sound f/x correctly.
* burning hands is now correctly listed as an Evocation spell.
* see invisibile is now correctly listed as a Domain Knowledge Level 2 spell.
* discern lies is now correctly listed as a Domain Knowledge Level 4 spell.
* spike growth is now correctly listed as a Domain Plant Level 3 spell.
* spike stones has been moved to a Domain Plant Level 4 spell.
* blur is now correctly listed as a Domain Protection Level 2 spell.
* enlarge is now correctly listed as a Domain Strength Level 1 spell.
* endure elements was incorrectly listed as a Domain Strength Level 1 spell.
* endurance is now correctly listed as a Domain Travel Level 2 spell.
* haste is now correctly listed as a Domain Travel Level 3 spell.
* hide from undead is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 1 spell.
* suggestion is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 3 spell.
* mind fog is now correctly listed as a Domain Trickery Level 5 spell.
* sleet storm is now correctly listed as a Domain Water Level 3 spell.
* death ward now properly protects against Death spells (e.g. Slay Living)
* darkvision has been removed as a learnable spell.
* fixed, spell 522 (Wall of Fire) was incorrectly mapped to Glibness.
* spiritual weapon is no longer affected by adverse spell effects, such as Web.
* spiritual weapon no longer deals holy/unholy damage.
* fixed circle of doom, cure critical wounds, cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, and cure light wounds, mass to use correct caster level check.
* fixed inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, inflict moderate wounds, inflict serious wounds, and inflict light wounds, mass to use correct caster level check.
* fixed slay living to use correct caster level check.
* divine favor now properly applies its bonus to damage rolls.
* true strike now properly set as a Verbal spell only.
* dismissal DC check now correct. typo in 3.5 manual-in-progress.
* cloudkill now correctly checks spell resistance before applying it’s effects.
* fixed several issues of Poison damage/effects from spells versus immunities to poison.
* fixed a spell resistance check in the spell module.
* vrock spore attack now properly checks against Poison immunity.
* goodberry now heals 1 point of non-lethal damage also.
* call lightning now correctly reduces duration by 10 rounds per use.
* flame strike now correctly observes evasion/improved evasion when dealing the secondary DIVINE damage.
* spells that were previously being incorrectly reduced by Damage Reduction now deal “MAGIC” type damage, which will not be reduced by DR.
* Conjuration spells that previously were subject to Spell Resistance in 3.0 are now NOT subject to SR as in 3.5.
* Resist Energy no longer removes itself after absorbing damage, and should now absorb the correct amount of damage based on caster level.
* Protection From (Alignment) and Magic Circle against (Alignment) now properly give immunity to mind-affecting/charm spells.
* MANY scrolls were casting aid (mostly 3.5 spells), they should now cast their correct spell
* added a catch-all to remove lingering spell effects that persist after duration expires.
* Targets of command:fall now stay on the ground for 1 round as per PHB.
* Detect Undead should play a sparkle on undead now, before they just happily sat there detected but quiet.
* Lareth’s ring of freedom of movement should work more like the spell now.


* tumble now properly works for characters not in medium or heavy armor.
* evasion/improved evasion now properly works for characters not in medium or heavy armor.
* fixed bard spell failure check when not in medium or heavy armor.
* monk and barbarian fast movement fixed in regards to armor (none, light, medium, heavy).
* ranger feats related to medium and heavy armor are now correct, including two-weapon fighting.
* fast movement for barbarians and monks is now correct in regards to medium or heavy armor.
* paladin divine grace saving throw bonus is now properly adding a bonus from CHA (was CON).
* healing domain power (add +1 to caster level checks for Healing spells) should now work properly.
* fixed 1-handed/2-handed issues with dwarven waraxe.
* fixed 1-handed/2-handed issues with bastard sword.
* fixed weapon proficiency issue with bastard sword.
* fixed certain cases in which a creature was “helpless” but not eligible to be subject to a sneak attack.
* equipped shields now properly count against 2-handed (x1.5) damage with melee weapons.
* monks can now use Power Attack with unarmed strike.
* metamagic feats no longer actually increase DC checks for spells.
* using/drinking potions now correctly incurs AOO’s.
* evasion/improved evasion now correctly reduce damage appropriately against an empowered damage spell
* weapon finesse updated to 3.5
* added greater weapon focus to levelup screen
* whirlwind attack no longer free after being used multiple times
* Full attacking with dual weapons now uses the correct weapon.
* cleave no longer works with whirlwind attack
* Corrected bonuses for improved two weapon fighting
* changed short swords to use proper type
* Corrected armor check penalties for masterwork armor
* corrected armor check penalties for crafted magic armor
* corrected critical hit ranges
* greater spell penetration added
* Run actions (and all such derivative actions like Charge) now correctly invalidate a 5′ step after performing the action.


* monsters with -1 int have been changed in protos to have an 10 int (prevents these monsters form showing up paralyzed)
* experience now awarded for monsters with CR > 24
* action system now saves/loads local spell data properly.
* “grapple” state now properly relays any associated spell ID’s.
* fixed crash bug associated with the Dagger of Venom when inflicting (any) damage while wielding the Dagger of Venom.
* turn undead action plays sound f/x.
* monster now calculate their non-primary attack damage correctly.
* monsters blinded by the spell no longer take AOO’s.
* fixed several inconsistencies with metamagic feat Widen Spell.
* spiritual weapon is now largely ignored by hostile monsters.
* critters can no longer cast spells when raging or under the effects of rage.
* zombies now correctly only get a partial action (in 3.0 terms).
* invisible creatures no longer incur AOO’s (with exceptions, See Invisibility, etc).
* invisible creatures no longer take AOO’s if doing so will remove Invisibility.
* AI now weighs invisible creatures less, as possible/viable targets.
* NPC’s (controllable) no longer permanently remove themselves from the party upon dying.
* previously, there were cases where NPC’s (controllable) would not attack certain monsters by just clicking on them (requiring the user to select “Single Attack” from the radial menu). fixed.
* Fixed metamagic feats Empower Spell and Maximize Spell for Healing spells.
* NPC’s no longer try to sell items that belong to them. this fixes the bug allowing the player to transfer all NPC items after bartering.
* the highest appraisal score in the party is now always used when bartering (buying/selling).
* open lock checks outside of combat now Take 20.
* added Flee Combat option to Radial Menu->Movement. this is available on any map that the party transferred to via a Jumppoint Icon (i.e. N/A for Teleport or scripted map transfers). selecting this Full-Round action will incur AOO’s on all party members, and then a Flee check (factors include: Survival, Character Level, Encounter CR) must be made. If successful, the entire party (including those Unconscious, Dead, or Incapacitated) is transferred back to the previous map at the Jumppoint last used. If used “Out of Combat”, it will automatically transfer the party.
* a spell resistance bug was fixed (mainly concering lingering Area Effect spells).
* magic items that cast spells (such as Wands, Potions, or Scrolls) are no longer are added to the wielder’s “Casted Spells” list when the item is used.
* NPC’s will not loot any item that makes them heavily encumbered or overburdened
* NPC’s will not mark loot as non-transferable if they do not pick it up (which happened when their inventory was full but they were trying to loot)
* fixed CN vignette chest not doing dialog when opened via spell
* Zuggtmoy’s gem hoard will no longer turn people into chairs
* Ladies’ ring now says “From Jay”, since he wasn’t Black Jay when he had it engraved.
* followers will not terminate dialog if responding to the PC being invisible, polymorphed, or having other monstrous followers (like an ogre)
* followers will loot correctly from stacks of items (like gems or scrolls)
* Burne no longer knows a 5th level summon monster spell (he has the correct 4th level one now)
* St. Cuthbert will always speak when he shows up
* There can no longer be multiple St. Cuthberts
* Romag’s diary now works and can be used
* Feldrin now appears in the game and has proper dialog along with Brunk.
* Wicked will now be present in his prison cell to be rescued and possibly join the party.
* Kelleen, the owlbear keeper troll, now has proper dialog with female PC’s.
* Tuelk now places his map flags properly to give the locations of the stairs.
* Serena will no longer loot if you take her on as a slave. Ted, Ed, and Ed never loot anymore either.
* Turnkey will no longer be KOS if the party accepts his surrender.
* Fixed spelling mistakes in tutorial.
* Fixed floating dialog messages when Rannos and Gremag enter combat.
* Fixed some text errors in help text for Track and Rumors.
* Rufus will now leave if you ask him to leave your party.
* Hedrack cannot initiate dialog about Kelno (or any other high priest) after the first time you meet him.
* Ironman parties now correctly start with 500gp
* Movement penalties for MEDIUM and HEAVY armor no longer apply if you are medium or more encumbered.
* Non torso armor no longer applies movement penalties if they are classified as “Medium” or “Heavy” armor (e.g. chainmail gloves won’t reduce movement but chainmail armor will)
* Monks who already have Combat Reflexes and Deflect Arrows (bonus monk feats at level 2) are no longer stuck at the Feat Selection screen at level up (for level 2), instead they can choose to get no bonus feat (since they already have them).
* Added Melfs Acid Arrow and Gust of Wind to list of scrolls that can be scribed via the Scribe Scroll Feat.
* Scrolls copied to the spellbook go into the correct level location.
* NPC’s cannot be made angry at party members while they are in the party (this avoids the problem of disbanding them and them going KOS on you)
* Item creation prereq mispellings fixed (no more SPELL_NONE’s in item creation I hope).
* Rangers correctly get animal companions at level 4 (rather than level 5).
* Multi-class clerics of a neutral deity who select positive energy channeling properly spontaneously cast cure spells.
* Coup de Grace should invoke an attack of oppertunity when used.
* Clerics of Elemental Domains (Fire, Air, Earth, Water) properly turn/rebuke the elemental types.
* Jaer’s balls of fire no longer cause the game to hang when they cannot be removed from his inventory via script
* Bardsongs that lose track of their targets will no longer crash the game.
* Large numbers of +1, +2, +3, +4, and +5 weapons were not registering as “Masterwork” for item creation purposes, this has been fixed.
* Wands that weighed 10lbs should way 1lbs now.
* Cloak of resistance +2 and +3 should give the correct bonuses now (+2 and +3 respectively)
* Animal companions with missing owners (on game loads) should dismiss themselves properly (previously they could cause a CTD).
* All NPC wizards should know all 0th level spells (Cantrips) now.
* Reducing your encumbrance to exactly a max (light,med,heavy) should properly set your encumbrance (used to be BELOW the max).
* Fallen paladins should no longer be able to level as paladins.
* Fallen paladins should no longer be able to cast Paladin spells.
* You can no longer start sneaking IN combat (you must do this OUT of combat, before monsters notice you)
* If you were sneaking, upon performing a HOSTILE action, you are no longer considered sneaking.
* Fixed random encounters with monsters spawning in walls by fixing the random_encounter script to not spawn monsters 6 tiles away additionally an extra spread out is done after spawning but before combat begins.


* Added tip of the day.
* fixed graphical bug with initiative portraits not updating on an aborted delay.
* fixed weapon quickslots. jebus!
* radial menu now displays spells per day for Bards and Sorcerers.
* in certain cases, opening the Help window no longer closes all other windows (e.g. clicking on an ability score bonus from the Inventory).
* money objects no longer stack.
* long descriptions for items are now available (if it is a magic item, it must be identified first). hover over the item in inventory and press SHIFT-CLICK to access the item description (in a popup window).
* added several generic tool-tip descriptions for certain UI elements.
* transfer of stackable items from NPC inventories now correctly checks if the NPC owns the item.
* showing the inventory by right-clicking party member portraits now correctly closes other windows.
* Unlearning spells for bards/sorcerers actually remove the spell (this fixes Sorcs not being able to level past 9th in some cases).
* Clicking CREATE when no item creation item is selected no longer crashes.
* Added checkbox for scroll acceleration in options screen.
* Removed scroll speed of 5 (a nonexistant scroll speed)
* Selecting 1-5 (via the keyboard) for dialog options no longer will change the active party member
* Group selection keys (F1-F8) work across maps and savegames
* Ironman mode ESCAPE menu contains proper menu entries.
* Item creation interface should close after crafting magic arms and armor.


* Added a brightness/gamma slider
* ToEE.cfg variable added “astar_max_window_ms” the amount of time astar keeps track of CPU usage (in milliseconds)
* ToEE.cfg variable added “astar_max_time_ms” the most amount of time astar can spend on the CPU in “astar_max_window_ms” amount of time.
* Pathfinding during mouse movement is now time window limited and will fail early if too much CPU is being used by the pathfinding engine.
* Random crashbugs dealing with invalid object handles being stored in conditions shouldn’t crash (as long as a NULL object is okay).
* Female Dwarves wearing helmets using the Barbarian Helm art no longer crash on map transfers and game loads (mismatched bones in .SKM)
* Male Dwarves wearing full plate no longer crash on map transfers and game loads (mismatched bones in .SKM)
* Numerous crash to desktops related to spell targeting passing invalid objects to the spell system have been fixed.
* Fixed crashbug with losing focus during game load (and movie playing).
* Random encounter NPCs now spawn surrounding the party rather than 6 tiles away.

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