Temple of Elemental Evil Journal #6

RPGVault has posted the sixth installment to their Temple of Elemental Evil journal feature. This time, Troika’s Sean Craig talks about the the final stages the game goes through before going gold. A snippet:

Phase II – Acceptance
At this point, you’ve finally got the list of bugs down to a manageable size. Your co-workers bug you three or four times a day instead of three or four times an hour. You’re looking at what the testers give you because the bugs now are a little harder to reproduce. Maybe under some specific circumstances, a character’s turn gets skipped. Maybe some monsters aren’t behaving the way you’d expect them to. The hours are still insane. Some days, it feels like you’re only treading water; you fix exactly as many bugs as are found that day. Some days, you loose ground and your bug count grows. Seems like the first three or four hours of every day are spent fixing the bugs you created the day before. Still, you can tell the bug list is finite; the game is visibly getting better every day. The end is a ways off, but it doesn’t feel like you’ll never get there anymore. It’s only a matter of time.

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