Telepath Tactics Kickstarter Update #7, $30,260 and Counting

The latest Telepath Tactics Kickstarter update offers a brief development report, a new boss theme for you to listen and a short video demonstration of a newly added feature. Here’s a snip:

Well hello there! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that we’re officially in the final week of our campaign to fund Telepath Tactics. We’re off to a great start: we just passed $30,000 raised this morning, putting us a mere $3,960 away from having procedural battlefield generation and $7,960 from having a major branch in the official single player campaign.

I’m not just sitting around waiting for us to hit stretch goals, though! I’m working my butt off getting press attention for Telepath Tactics and making progress on the game itself.

For instance, I took most of the day yesterday to finish adding a feature I’d been wanting for some time: the ability to spontaneously change battlefield conditions using scripts.

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