Telepath Tactics Kickstarter Campaign Update #9, $9,700 and Counting

The latest update to the Telepath Tactics offers a new, update demo of the title, which should help you decide whether you want to pledge your hard-earned dollars (or your currency of choice, I suppose) to the project.

Here is a couple of links to the demo (Windows and Mac/Linux versions both) and a snippet on what it contains:

Hello, everyone! Thanks to all the great feedback you guys provided after I first released the demo, I’ve decided to update it with a whole bunch of bug fixes, improvements, features, and an entirely new battle at the end of the demo!

Some of you complained that the Weapons Depot battle wasn’t very challenging, and didn’t adequately showcase the game’s variety of units and abilities–I think you’ll find this additional battle, Devilmouth, much more to your liking.

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