Telepath Tactics Kickstarter Campaign Ends Unsuccessfully, to Relaunch in March

While Telepath Tactics didn’t manage to raise the minimum funding goal of $25,500 before the end of its Kickstarter campaign, it’s clear from the latest update for it that Craig Stern hasn’t yet given up, and is actually planning to launch a new campaign in March.

As of now, development on the title will continue at the usual pace:

All right, guys! First thing’s first: we didn’t make our goal. That’s unfortunate, but it’s not nearly as bad as some folks think. You see, despite the fact that this campaign didn’t “succeed,” it was actually quite successful at spreading the word about the game. (How many of you knew about Telepath Tactics before this campaign started? Exactly.)

This campaign has also been extraordinarily successful for me, personally. I’ve gotten invaluable feedback about the sort of things you all care about in Telepath Tactics, and I’ve learned a whole heck of a lot about how to run a crowdfunding campaign. The next time I try this, we will make the goal! (Speaking of which: mark your calendars for March, folks!)

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