Team Fortress 2 – Matchmaking Patch Update

Valves latest Team Fortress 2 update brought the new matchmaking functionality into the popular team first person shooter. Although, the patch that brought this new method of forming a team, brought along with it a number of problems that Valve are now looking to rectify in its latest patch.  You can see a full list of issues and where they’ve got to in resolving them from this link here.

Valve have removed the penalty for leaving games in match play, but don’t think it’s all take as they will be introducing much harsher penalties for leaving matches in competitive play.

“The current system increases matchmaking ban times based on the number of abandons over a period of time. We are making a change to more quickly move serial abandoners into really long ban times. We will also subtract the maximum number of rank points possible, per abandon. The amount lost will be far higher than what could normally be lost in a completed match.”

The patch also brings with it improvements to queuing times which will now be less than 90 seconds across all match types. Meaning games will fill up and get played a  lot quicker.

Players acting the giddy goat or generally being complete tools can now be voted out by way of the new vote-kicking tool, and if you’re a fan of a particular map you can now choose which ones you want to play on.

There are still plenty more things that they are looking at such as proportional XP across incomplete matches, high-ping rates and those damn-griefers who like to spoil the game for everybody.

So, for all you avid Team Fortress 2 players out there, what are your thoughts on the new match-making, and all the outstanding issues?  Anything that’s really bugging you?  We’re interested in your thoughts.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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