Talisman: Digital Edition Released on Steam Early Access

Following the released of the single-player-focused Talisman: Prologue, Games Workshop and Nordic Games have released Talisman: Digital Edition – The Magical Quest Game for 1 to 4 players on Steam Early Access for $14.99/€13,99/£11.99. It’s worth noting that you’ll also get a free copy of Talisman: Prologue by purchasing this Early Access version of the title, though, of course, you’ll also have to deal with the fact that it’s incomplete, as pointed out by this helpful Early Access FAQ. Onward to the Early Access trailer and imagery:

And from the FAQ:

What’s included in the Talisman Early Access –

  • Local multiplayer/hotseat mode – mostly complete, but some spells and ‘not your turn’ actions need work.
  • vs. AI mode 70% complete – AI improvements being worked on.
  • All 14 characters available.
  • All spells available.
  • All adventure cards available.
  • Save game functionality.
  • A free copy of Talisman Prologue

What’s coming soon –

  • Online multiplayer.
  • Player profile.
  • Extra languages – French, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish initially.
  • Card browser.
  • Local Multiplayer – players taking control of the UI to use objects/spells.
  • AI improvements.
  • Some new sound effects.
  • Achievements.
  • Cloud saving.
  • Controller support.
  • Purchase/Store screen.
  • Leaderboards.
  • More help/tutorials.
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