Tabula Rasa Preview

The Armchair Empire has put together a preview of Tabula Rasa, the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG from Richard Garriott’s Destination Games. A little something to get you started:

In terms of actual character development, not much information has been released as of yet regarding which types of character classes will be in the game. One thing that has been hinted at is that this will remain somewhat open-ended, as the game’s designers don’t want to pigeon hole players into specific classes in hopes of avoiding a mentality among the Tabula Rasa community that there is a (right) build for characters to do specific tasks, and everything else is (wrong). If this approach to character development can translate well into the final game it will be interesting to see how players react to a game world where they aren’t categorized into traditional MMORPG roles such as tanks, heal bots, nukers, and the like.

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