T-Day Poll Results

The results of our poll, “Which NPC from Baldur’s Gate II would you rather date,” are finalized as you may have noticed. And skewed (you know who you are <g>). With 1,022 votes cast here are the winnas:

  • Aerie with 33.6% of the vote won after a burst of votes at the end.
  • Viconia with 29% of the vote claimed 1st runner up, followed by
  • Boo the Mouse with 20.4% (a space hampster you say?) a surprising 2nd runner up.
  • Imoen with 11.9% came in 4th while
  • Nalia with just 3% and
  • Minsc (not faring as good as his sidekick) with 2.1% rounded out the contestants.

Where was Jahiera? She decided to stay out, for fear of tipping the balance of the poll too far in her direction.

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