System Shock Remastered Edition Update #71

This month’s development update for Nightdive Studios’ System Shock Remastered Edition shows off the game’s dismemberment feature. Be sure to check out the link above if you’d like to see some sample screenshots and videos. But then, the update also directs us to this recent video interview with Nightdive’s Stephen Kick and this video review of System Shock Enhanced Edition.

Here are the text parts:

July flew by Hackers, but we haven’t forgotten about you!

CONTENT WARNING, this update is gory!

We’ve been exceptionally busy working on a few of the last remaining features which include one of my favorites, DISMEMBERMENT!

Yes, the gore system is finally going in and we couldn’t be more excited to show off our progress. Dismemberment will amplify the power of the weapons and take combat to new heights of horror.

Swin, the newest recruit to the Shock team has been busy creating new blood particles and fx while chopping up and sculpting the bits of skin and sinew that make up the guts of our organic enemies.

Here are just some of the individual pieces you’ll be able to dismember from our humanoid mutant.

The pieces that are left over will be treated as physics objects that will react to additional gun-fire and explosions.

Putting that all together gives us a wonderful sneak peek into our custom made dismemberment system.

This update is short, but we have some additional treats to share!

This afternoon at 3pm PST/6pm EST Swin will be live streaming on the Nightdive Twitch channel some of the sculpting and development of the dismemberment system, so stop by and hang out!

Also, the Noclip documentary series just released an interview with Stephen Kick, CEO of Nightdive Studios. If you wanted a more in-depth look into how and why the System Shock Remake was started, funded, then delayed, then rebooted, look no further.


Also, our friend Mandalore released this retrospective look and review of System Shock: Enhanced Edition just this morning! He also takes a look at the Alpha demo of the remake and gives us some insightful critique and suggestions on how to improve the experience? Do you agree? Please let us know what you think on our Discord server.

Mandalore Gaming:

Also, an update for System Shock: Enhanced Edition drops today!

We fixed a bug where you couldn’t write custom messages on the map, oops! :O

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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