System Shock 2 Available on Linux

I apologize for not posting about this sooner, as the news dates back to April 1st, but I suppose in the sea of April Fools’ jokes it just didn’t catch my eye. Either way, a Linux port of System Shock 2 has been released on Steam by Night Dive Studios, and I imagine it’ll appear on GOG as soon as it officially launches its Linux support. I’m sure there were already unofficial ways to play the title on Linux, but I still don’t see how else to call this but good news all around:

If you thought your Linux machine was safe from rogue artificial intelligences, think again!

SHODAN has had access to your root account for a while now without your knowledge and is currently downloading and installing itself onto every Linux-based machine on Planet Earth!

To celebrate SHODAN’s arrival onto Linux, everyone gets free content. Check your System Shock 2 installation directory bonus content folder to find original artworks, soundtrack, original pitch document, radio interviews and more.

Spotted on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

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