SWG: Jump to Lightspeed First Impressions

Now that Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed has hit store shelves, IGN PC has posted some first impressions of the expansion pack. Check it out:

The fighting is pretty good so far. Enemy ships come in a number of varieties and a number of groupings. Generally the tactic of pointing right at an enemy and holding down the trigger works beautifully but, what with shield facings and subsystems to worry about and various kinds of weapons, there’s a lot you can do to make your ship fight the way that you want it to. You’ll be getting lots of this stuff as loot from taking out enemy starfighters and it’ll be a good idea to keep looking for better versions of components you’re carrying.

In addition to killing enemies, you’ll occasionally be asked to disable them instead. This is easy as hitting the key to target a subsystem on the enemy ship. Your shots at them will now also damage their reactor and engine. The actual capture of a disabled ship is managed for you by the game’s AI.

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