Sony-Verant’s upcoming attempt at an MMORPG (I’m sure that will be an understatement), Star Wars Galaxies, is not coming out for quite awhile but nevertheless there’s a virtual utopia of information already gathered about the gameplay elements. If you haven’t visited the official FAQ for awhile, now might be the time as it’s just been recently updated with more questions. Here’s a finger-licking taste:

1.09 Do I have to be a “twitchy” gamer to succeed in Star Wars Galaxies?

No. The term “twitchy” refers to quick reflexes and gaming skills such as those required in first-person-shooter style games. Star Wars Galaxies does not require a player to have these skills to succeed. The first expansion pack will involve some twitch type skills in addition to the RPG piloting skills of your character when flying space ships.

An important question for any RPGer looking to get into the current addiction that is an MMOG.

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