Sudeki Reviews

With a PC version of Sudeki coming soon, you may want to check out the latest reviews of the Xbox version to aid your decision on whether or not to buy it. The first is at RPGDot with an overall score of 98%:

What more can I say? Sudeki has it all an intriguing storyline, outstanding graphics, great soundtrack & voice acting, excellent animation, easy and (simple-to-use) game controls, some really character-unique combination moves for combat, memorable characters and NPC’s and it is an absolute delight to play. Technical gaming problems were nonexistent (which I suspect means the Sudeki support team has to struggle to find ways of keeping busy), and I couldn’t even find a problem with the either way the game’s manual was put together, nor with its content. Granted Sudeki has a Mature ESRB rating (at least here in North America) for violence/blood and gore only neither the in game flirting, nor the character dress code and/or sensuality was of such a nature as to confine Sudeki game play to late night hours after the kids (and your spouse[?], G/f or B/f, Aunt, Parent, or other in-house relation) has long been asleep (and certainly my Guinea Pig had no complaints about it either). To sum up Sudeki in a few words is surprisingly easy it is a fun game to play end of story.

And the second is at AltGaming with an overall score of 7/10:

The combat system which at first feels quite intuitive, can at certain times become overly repetitive and tedious. Plus the fact that the NPC characters are just inherently boring doesn’t help matters either. However, anyone wanting a solid RPG to while away the hours with until Fable hits us could do so very much worse than picking up Sudeki on release day. It may not have reached the dizzy heights of greatness that we once hoped for, but it doesn’t go achieving a high AltGaming score for nothing.

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