Styx: Shards of Darkness Interview, Xbox One Pre-orders

Not only have we learned that Styx: Shards of Darkness is now available for pre-order and pre-download on Xbox One today, but we’ve also caught wind of a new interview with lead level designer Julien Desourteaux on Now Loading. A little something on the inclusion of co-op:

Now Loading: One of the things I wasn’t expecting to hear about was the inclusion of co-op, how do you think that changes the overall experience?

JD: In Styx Master of Shadows, you could create a goblin clone of yourself. At the office we were like, “that would be cool, it would be fun if I could play your clone and we try to synchronize our actions.” The first trial we had, we had a lot of fun in the office playing together.

As I said before, it’s not easier or more difficult, it’s really different because you have to deal with the mess your friend can make in the game, but if you manage to synchronize your actions, you can be very, very efficient. It’s a different flavor of fun.

Now Loading: So, sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s trolling?

JD: Yeah, you can be both co-operating or both competing. Who will reach the objective first, or loot these things.

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