A Story of the End – Revere Kickstarter Campaign

If you’re looking for a great JRPG 2D gaming experience, then you may want to take a look at A Story of the End – Revere, developed by Darrel Wijaya / Strashiner Studios. Their Kickstarter campaign has begun and they are looking for kind generous people, like yourselves to part with a bit of your cash to back this project.


To give you a little more information Revere is 2D RPG set in the wonderous world of Akhir. you play as a character called Troy, who after betraying the empire is looking redemption.

To quote from the Kickstarter site..

“You play as Troy, a traitor to his empire and a man out for redemption. The day our protagonist learned of the empire’s injustice, he immediately made his escape into the unknown. Fearing the worst, Troy realized that he was out of options. He had nowhere left to run, and all he could do was hope for the best.

Falling unconscious in the middle of nowhere, Troy found himself at death’s door. Luckily, a local from the village nearby located his body and brought him to safety. Upon waking, he realized that this may be the opportunity he needed to make a difference.

Determined to set things right, Troy sets out to begin his long and arduous journey to change a world ravaged by the Lumerian Empire. With the help of some new friends, Troy presses forward, despite the odds being against him.”

Features, that will be included with the game.

  • Hybrid Battle System
  • Story-Driven Quests
  • Adjusting Encounter Rates
  • Upgrading Weapons
  • Crafting System
  • 300 Levels to Explore
  • Over 15hrs of gameplay

If this sounds interesting, and IF you want to contribute head over to the A Story of the End – Revere Kickstarter campaign page, and pledge. You can get your hands on t-shirts, stickers, and all manner of other goodies just from donating a few quid.

A Story of the End – Revere Screenshot 2

There are a limited amount of $7 pledges where you receive a discounted version of the game plus a keychain, wallpapers, and your name in the credits. You can find all the information on this deal and A Story of the End – Revere on their official Kickstarter page.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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