Steam Trading Cards Added to Infinity Engine Enhanced Edition Titles

Despite owning a lot of Steam titles, I really haven’t dabbled in the digital trading card scene on Valve’s service. But for those of you who have and plan to continue to, you’ll be happy to learn that Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition have joined Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition within the ranks of RPGs that feature them. Collect ’em all:

Beamdog fans on Steam have been asking for trading cards for some time now and today we’re excited to share that Steam trading cards are now available for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition!

Now, owners of each of our Enhanced Edition titles (including Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition) can collect sets of Steam trading cards to earn badges, emoticons, and backgrounds for those games. We can’t wait to see just how fast it takes for the first person to craft a level five badge!

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