Starr Mazer Halloween Boss Rush

Well, Halloween is nearly upon us and Imagos Softworks and Pixeljam Games, the Indie development teams behind  Starr Mazer DSP are well into the Halloween spirit with their latest update. Starr Mazer DSP is a side-scrolling shoot-em up, with a rogue like twist. Bearing in mind that this is their second contest this month, so they have been very busy bunnies.

You have until the 31st October to enter the contest and experience everything that this update brings to the table.

So this contest then, what is that all about?

The Halloween Boss Rush needs you to get your squadron together and attempt to take on and defeat three powered up bosses. Though defeating them is fine, you must also do it in the fastest time possible.

Get one of the top three fastest times and you will win the chance to add names to the pool of DSP pilots, or even win a Starr Mazer T-Shirt from Fangamer.

If this contest isn’t of interest to you, and I genuinely can’t see why it wouldn’t be. There are still ship-loads of stuff in the new update, including Halloween sprite-swaps.

This is the second contest that Starr Mazer DSP has had this month. The first one being SK: Ore Attack, in which players were tasked in getting the highest score on a souped-up first level.

If you were in Portland last weekend then you may have seen the devs at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, where Kazuo Mayedo and Vanessa Williams held the DSP fort.

Starr Mazer DSP Portland Retro Expo Image

If all this sounds fantastic to you and you are salivating at the prospect of Starr Mazer DSP then why not pop over to the Steam store and get your grubby-little space mittens on a copy. It’s available on Steam Early Access for around a tenner, but if that’s still a little too much for you then check out this coupon for 50% off. That’s right, a whole 50% off.

Stay tuned for a full Starr Mazer DSP Review soon.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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