Starpoint Gemini 3 – Summer News and Price Change

Little Green Men Games is currently working on a big early access update for their spaceship RPG Starpoint Gemini 3. This update will introduce playable capital ships, add the remaining story missions, and overhaul the game’s AI. And with that in mind, the game’s price will be going up on August 3, 2020. Here’s more on that:

Hello everyone!

Amidst the summer heat and all of the grim news on pandemic, we wanted to quickly update you on progress we’re making. July temperatures still didn’t kill us, and evasive maneuvers against outbreak of COVID-19 are still working well. That only means development process on Starpoint Gemini 3 continues pretty much as planned.

We’re currently working on several fronts – improving all possible issues and gameplay experience based on everyday testing as well as your feedback. Second major „area of operation“ is completing all remaining story missions and we really can’t wait to reveal this to all of you. Lastly, we’re preparing player owned capital ships update along with all the changes this requires. These incoming „Big guns“ are coming to life nicely and we’re quite anxious to unlock them to public.

One of the sizeable upcoming changes linked to Capships is the upgrade of AI for both smaller ships and capital ships. We’d also like to note that some of the previous player ship modules are now reworked and will be making a comeback. In general, expect a ramp up in update freequency in the near future since there are so much cool stuff we need to “stuff” into the game before it’s completed. We’re pretty positive many of you will have good fun rather soon!

Another thing we wanted to let you know is that, according to previously announced schedule, Starpoint Gemini 3 is about to receive its last price change. As of Monday, August 3rd, game price will be increased for the last time in this Early Access cycle. This price will be the final one and no more changes are planned until and after the release.

So, any of you wanting to try out the game, or planning to get it in full version, you still have a few days to make use of lower Early Access price if you want.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to have a very active and dynamic summer. Plans for next couple of months are very extensive, and game will start to change quite fast. There are a lot of features and various game elements that are nearly finished but can’t be unlocked separately. So, expect lots of news, good news in the near future!

Stay safe, healthy and in good spirits!
LGM Games Team

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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