Starpoint Gemini 3 – Farewell 2019

The team over at Little Green Men Games is busy working on Starpoint Gemini 3, and as such, along with some holiday well-wishes, their end of year update reflects that by highlighting the new stuff coming to the early access space RPG in early 2020. You can expect HUD improvements, new ship customization options, planet docking rings, and more. Have a look:

Dear captains!

And so we came to the end of another year. Year full of amazing gaming hours and even more amazing worlds created by so many game dev teams out there. We really hope all of you will keep some memorable moments in anticipation of what awesome stuff are yet to come in 2020 and beyond…

As for our studio, we had an interesting year full of challenges, and we certainly hope we added to your positive gaming year. Starpoint Gemini Universe continued to grow, we pushed some new boundaries and laid the foundations to finalize greatest project we ever embarked upon.

So, what’s next? Our mission is clear – relentlessly push for next update, keep an eye on your feedback and adjust the plan to ensure we deliver what we promised and what you guys deserve.

Before we turn to next year, let us just drop a few hints on what we’re preparing for start of 2020:

  • New Starchart, extensive HUD upgrades
  • Planet docking rings
  • Player ship customization
  • ADAH drone upgrade
  • Further expansion of Universe and how it behaves

Next two updates will have some elements switched around, so a number of details from Update 5 will come earlier, while few of them will be pushed from Update 4 to next one.

In 2020, Starpoint Gemini 3 will be transformed to a whole new level and we’re anxious to share this experience with all of you. All of us is expecting a crazy good year for gamers everywhere, and we’ll do our best to create something to meet these expectations!

We hope many of you will have some time off in the next couple of weeks. Take a good rest, play some good games and charge your batteries for another wild year ahead.

On our side, we’ll be in line with holiday season expectations, so you’ll be able to get your hands on any Starpoint game and complete franchise collection should you want to.

In the end, we’d like to extend another huge „Thank you“ to every single member of our community. Thanks for support, thanks for your feedback and thanks for your continuous help with creating our games!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

LGM Games team

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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