Starflight 3 Update #7, $202,256 and Counting

HumaNature Studios’ ongoing Fig campaign for Starflight 3 has recently passed the $200,000 mark, and as a result, the developers bring us a new campaign update where they share a good deal of media coverage of the game and show off some concept art for a spaceship bridge among other things. An excerpt:

A Quarter Way There

Thank you so much for taking us to a quarter way to our goal! This is a HUGE milestone for the campaign and the team’s morale! Every dollar counts and your support is what’s making all these dollars roll in! Thank you!


FAQ Updated

We’ve been diligently scanning the comments here on the campaign page as well as from all over the internet. We’ve distilled down the most common questions we found and updated our FAQ to reflect them. So when you get a chance head over and check it out!

Tandelou Bridge Concept

As we think about an alien species and what an encounter with them might be like, we think about things that would express to us who this alien species is. Of course that goes beyond just the words they use (if they even use them!), or what they look like but also the kind of environment in which they hang out! Few things say “cool sci-fi environment” than the bridge of an alien spacecraft.

So here’s some of our concepts for the bridge of a Tandelou command ship!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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