Star Wars: KotOR Takes Home Another Award

That’s right, folks! Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has won yet another “Game of the Year” award, and this time it’s over at GameZone Online. Here’s a clip:

The size and scope of the story combined with the many well rounded and interesting characters becomes so immersive and so complex, but the gameplay dynamics make it a pure pleasure to traverse through. This game surrounds the player in a living, breathing universe that represents the emotion and feeling of what made the original trilogy so special. Even gamers who are intimidated by the time consuming depth of the RPG genre owe it to themselves to play this game. BioWare has done an exceptional job at streamlining the whole process to make this game accessible to all gamers. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic takes the detailed character development of a riveting novel, combines it with the action and human element of A New Hope and then adds enough dark story points and plot twists to do The Empire Strikes back proud.

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