Star Wars: KotOR Reviews

Another pair of reviews for LucasArts and BioWare’s Knights of the Old Republic have made their way to the web. The first is at WorthPlaying with an overall score of 9.8/10:

While there are issues that should have been addressed before the game shipped, when you compare them against how well the game is executed overall, they are minor blips on the radar. Star Wars fans have been clamoring for a decent RPG, and BioWare has certainly exceeded expectations. “Baldur’s Gate” has been the RPG that I measure RPG’s against, and KOTOR will unseat it from the throne. The writing and voice acting are the best I’ve seen. No other Star Wars game, including Star Wars Galaxies, has done a better job of completely immersing you in the Star Wars universe. It’s impossible to finish the game without somehow feeling like your actions have made a difference. It’s not a short game, clocking in at about 60 hours if you do all the side quests. With the multiple paths through the game, you’ll want to play it more than once which really gives you a lot of bang for your buck.

And the second can be found at Game Method with no overall score but a positive conclusion:

Knights of the Old Republic is a great RPG that sets the player on an epic adventure to save the galaxy, accompanied with many memorable characters and events. This game really revitalized my fascination with the Star Wars Universe and helped me remember why that Universe was so magical.

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