Star Wars: KotOR Review

The guys over at have tossed up a very positive review of BioWare’s original Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and although there is no final score, they had this to say in the final paragraphs:

Another gripe that is common is about the game’s user interface it could definitely have been more intuitive. You are limited to 6 game save points, and information about each save is limited to a screenshot of the point at which you saved, making it entirely likely that one may accidentally save over a game that they thought was something that it wasn’t. Navigating around the inventory simply doesn’t make any sense until one becomes familiar with the backwards interface functions, and the game’s quest log/journal is downright useless.

None of these things will take away from the fact that KOTOR is a glorious title, however. Like the original trilogy, this game is a true classic and should be experienced by everyone at least once, if not a few times over for good measure.

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