Star Wars: KotOR Review

The Armchair Empire has posted a glowing review of Star Wars: KotOR, giving the RPG an overall score of 9.1/10. An excerpt to follow:

KOTOR is a good-looking game and sports the now-standard-heap-some-praise-on -John-Williams musical score and accented by Star Wars sound effects. During the height of combat it’s always a treat to pause the game and just appreciate the scenery. If you have the minimum hardware requirements, you’ll have to tone down the details, but if you’ve got the recommended requirements KOTOR can occasionally look spectacular. Besides the music of Mr. Williams, every line of dialogue is spoken (even the aliens with subtitles, of course). With so many voice actors there’s always the risk of crappy acting, but by some BioWare miracle there’s hardly any ham-fisted delivery.

An easy learning curve, excellent presentation and a story that will keep you coming back (multiple times), make Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic a worthy purchase.

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