Star Wars: KotOR Review

ZenGamer has tossed up a glowing review of Star Wars: KotOR, giving the RPG an overall score of 9/10. Their conclusion to follow:

KOTOR has been nominated by numerous reviewers and game sites for Game of the Year, and there are few candidates as deserving of the reward. It’s a great roleplaying game on its own merits, but the addition of the Star Wars setting just makes it that much better. There truly is something for every Star Wars fan in the game, and nearly every moment is completely focused on giving gamers a memorable experience in the Star Wars universe. It has been said that KOTOR offers more “Star Wars” than the last two movies, and that is high praise indeed. Though I did not review both versions, both the PC and Xbox versions of the game are basically identical content-wise and offer an equally enjoyable experience. If you are one of the few who haven’t picked up KOTOR, I highly recommend it. It’s one of those rare games that will be remembered years from now as a classic. The good news is that a sequel is in the works, so gamers will have even more KOTOR goodness to look forward to soon. The Force was definitely with BioWare this time, don’t pass this game up!

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