Star Wars: KotOR Review

GameAxis has tossed up a review of Star Wars: KotOR, giving the game an overall score of 8.6/10. The final word:

The production values on KOTOR are absolutely first-rate. It isn’t just the visuals that are particularly impressive, it’s every sound, nuance and the little design decisions that complete and polish off a superb gaming experience. KOTOR is a prime example of how to do a Star Wars game right, and by respecting both the source material and the gamers, BioWare has produced an epic of a game that will draw you into the universe like no other. There’s just so much going for KOTOR that any subtle flaws it may have will easily be overlooked, because this is Star Wars at its finest. It will hook you for hours on end, entice you with all the bells and whistles, and by the time you’re through, you may even want to do it all over again.

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